Inloher Coffee

Alexis Guerra

Alexis Guerra Tejada pertenece al grupo de productores de INLOHER, apasionado por el café y la protección de la naturaleza, su finca lleva por nombre Aromas del Puca, en honor al cerro de Puca u Opalaca. El café de su finca tiene como pilar la sostenibilidad, cuidado con amor y respecto, con el propósito que en un futuro sean sus hijos los que sigan su legado.

Alexis Guerra Tejada belongs to the group of INLOHER producers, passionate about coffee and nature protection, his farm is named Aromas del Puca, in honor of the Puca or Opalaca hill. The coffee from his farm has sustainability as a pillar, cared for with love and respect, with the purpose that in the future it will be his children who follow his legacy.

Arnaldo Guerra

Arnaldo Guerra Tejada, pertenece al grupo de productores INLOHER, su finca lleva su apellido Guerra, junto a su familia ha creado un concepto cuyo pilar es la sustentabilidad y conservación de la biodiversidad, ha establecido 40 cajas en su finca para la producción de miel y también que las abejas se conviertan en polinizadoras de su cafetal. Su sueño es seguir trabajando y que su finca sea un legado para su familia.

Arnaldo Guerra Tejada, belongs to the group of producers INLOHER, his farm bears his surname Guerra, together with his family he has created a concept whose pillar is sustainability and conservation of biodiversity, he has established 40 boxes on his farm for the production of honey and also that the bees become pollinators of their coffee plantation. His dream is to continue working and for his farm to be a legacy for his family.

Lessly Rodríguez

Lessly Rodríguez es una joven productora de café, su finca se llama La Fortaleza, su abuela quien ha sido la inspiración en su vida le enseñó que en la vida las cosas no serán fáciles pero que hay que soñar y trabajar para lograrlo, por eso la fortaleza representa su pilar. Lessly, ama el café, cuida su cafetal como herencia del legado de su familia. Logró estudiar una carrera universitaria enfocada en ciencias naturales y al mismo tiempo ha realizado trabajos en su finca, su cafetal sigue haciendo realidad sus sueños.

Lessly Rodríguez is a young coffee producer, her farm is called the Strength, her grandmother who has been the inspiration in her life taught her that things will not be easy in life but that you have to dream and work to achieve it, that is why the fortress represents its pillar. Lessly, she loves coffee, she takes care of her coffee plantation as an inheritance of her family’s legacy. She managed to study a university degree focused on natural sciences and at the same time has done work on her farm, her coffee plantation continues to make her dreams come true.

Adelmo Guerra Tejada

Adelmo Guerra Tejada pertenece al grupo de productores INLOHER, su finca se llama Faldas del Puca, rodeada de montañas y naturaleza. El café representa su futuro y el de su familia, por eso su sueño es que sus hijos continúen con su legado. Cada grano de café que procesa es cuidado, secado en secadores solares que permiten preservar la calidad del grano. El café es su pasion se siente orgulloso de su cafetal.

Adelmo Guerra Tejada belongs to the group of INLOHER producers, his farm is called Faldas del Puca, surrounded by mountains and nature. The coffee represents his future and that of his family, that’s why his dream is for his children to continue his legacy. Each coffee bean that she processes is carefully dried in solar dryers that preserve the quality of the bean. Coffee is his passion and he is proud of his coffee plantation.

Suyapa Cruz

Suyapa Cruz, pertenece al grupo de productoras de INLOHER, su historia esta llena de lucha, de retos y vida. Su esposo murió hace 4 años, el era el encargado de manejar la finca y ella le apoyaba en todas las actividades. Al morir su esposo, ella tomo el control de su finca para garantizar el sustento de su familia. Su finca de café representa su esperanza y el futuro de sus hijos, ama su cafetal, para ella el poder enseñarles a sus hijos a ganarse una vida digna trabajando es lo más importante.

Suyapa Cruz, belongs to the group of INLOHER producers, her story is full of struggle, challenges and life. Her husband died 4 years ago, he was in charge of managing the farm and she supported him in all activities. When her husband died, she took control of her farm to ensure her family’s livelihood. Her coffee plantation represents her hope and the future of her children, she loves her coffee plantation, for her to be able to teach her children to earn a decent living by working is the most important thing.

Bernardo Mateo

Bernardo Mateo, productor certificado de INLOHER, su finca se llama Los Naranjos, le gusta la diversidad de su finca, cuenta con arboles frutales como naranjas, plátanos, aguacates y frutas tradicionales de la región. Cuidar su cafetal ha sido uno de sus grandes propósitos, el les ha inculcado a sus hijos el respeto por la naturaleza y el amor al café. Sueña con continuar trabajando la calidad en su café.

Bernardo Mateo, producer certified by INLOHER, his farm is called The Orange trees, he likes the diversity of his farm, it has fruit trees such as orange, banana, avocado and traditional fruits of the region. Taking care of his coffee plantation has been one of his great purposes, he has instilled in his children respect for nature and love for coffee. He dreams of continuing to work on the quality of his coffee.


Para INLOHER la trazabilidad con transparencia y confianza es fundamental para establecer relaciones comerciales a largo plazo. La sustentabilidad es fundamental, el compromiso con el planeta y con la conservación de los recursos naturales, por eso cada quintal de café que pasa por nuestra planta ha sido verificado como Carbono Neutro. Cuiadamos la calidad desde las plantaciones de café a través de un acompañamiento técnico a nuestros productores con prácticas agricolas sostenibles. Somos INLOHER, somos Sostenibilidad, Calidad y Trazabilidad.

For INLOHER, traceability with transparency and trust is essential to establish long-term business relationships. Sustainability is fundamental, the commitment to the planet and to the conservation of natural resources, that is why each quintal of coffee that passes through our plant has been verified as Carbon Neutral. We take care of quality from the coffee plantations through technical support to our producers with sustainable agricultural practices. We are INLOHER, we are Sustainability, Quality and Traceability.

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